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  • Writer's pictureSteve Fittery

Wrestling With COVID-19

Sorry folks, I couldn't NOT use that title for this blog post. As we are reluctantly settling into self isolation, quarantine, and social distancing, and for those of us in the wrestling world still recovering from the cancellation of the National Championships and Olympic events, I wanted to share a few things I've been thinking about.

First of all - There should be no excuses for not staying active! I'm posting daily workouts (that take 15-20 mins) on the FITS Facebook page; just search FITS Wrestling Academy on Facebook to find the page, and make sure you "like" it to follow and get posts in your newsfeed. You can always adjust the workout to meet your own fitness level, and check off some physical movement during the day. I'm using household items to help get the job done, so no need for a fancy home gym. So many studies show the benefit of regular workouts both for your physical health, but also your mental health. Since we're all cooped up right now, exercise is more important than ever. If your wrestler completes the 'FITS Workout of the Day' comment on the post to win some free gear! We're 3 days in already, but you can always go back and make them up by doing 2+ workouts a day.

Secondly - Since I can't run practices, I have more time to write content on my website. Let me know how I can serve you in the coming weeks. I'm happy to talk about coaching philosophy, parenting young wrestlers, faith in wrestling, lifting, dieting, design workout plans, send blank goals sheets, or watch some of your matches from this past year, etc!

Lastly, I'm going to be honest. I'm still heartbroken over all the cancellations of these major tournaments. I'll post about my thoughts on another day, but I'm devastated for those who lost their last chance to compete for NCAA glory. For myself, I was really looking forward to competing in the Millersville Last Chance Qualifier for the Olympic Trials on March 28th. They say it's postponed currently.... We'll see...

Through the numerous interviews I've listened to since the COVID-19 cancellations, there's been a lot of encouraging words spoken from elite athletes and coaches. Their positivity doesn't surprise me. This sport builds character and teaches resiliency like no other sport does.

Til next time, "If you're not attacking, YOU'RE SLACKING!" Clean up your diet and get active! You should come out of this quarantine in the best shape of your life. #GiveEmFITS

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